U.S. Health

The Power of Us: 2024 in Review

by Bridgette Gray, CEO

This year has been a testament to the idea that we are greater than the sum of our parts. We’ve collaborated with partners around the world in a range of fields. Here are a few projects that showcase how much more we accomplish together.

ideas42 Helps Lead the Future of Better Healthcare for All with the Coalition for Health AI

by Merage Ghane and Ted Robertson

In an era when artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries across the globe, the health-care sector stands at a pivotal juncture. At ideas42, we are championing a nuanced approach to this better future of healthcare that marries the capabilities of AI with the intricacies of human decision-making. Our focus is on both harnessing the power […]

Welcoming our new CEO, Bridgette Gray

by The ideas42 Team

ideas42’s Board of Directors enthusiastically announced the selection of Bridgette Gray as the nonprofit’s new CEO. Effective immediately, she will lead ideas42, one of the world’s top applied behavioral design firms.

ideas42 Applauds Biden Administration Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

by Merage Ghane and Ted Robertson

As a leader in creating strategies and validated solutions around bias evaluation and mitigation in artificial intelligence (AI), ideas42 welcomes the Biden Administration’s recent actions to promote guidelines for the responsible use of AI in healthcare. Advances in behavioral science offer powerful tools to guide the management and use of algorithms across the entire life-cycle.  […]

Want to Get Healthier but Don’t Know Where to Start? Try Microbehaviors

by Arielle Gorstein

How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions? Here are 10 “microbehaviors” to keep your health goals on track. If you made a health-related New Year’s resolution this year, you’re not alone; health-focused resolutions make up the top three most common goals, year after year. And if you’re still going strong, congratulations! You’re in […]

What it means to say that the COVID-19 pandemic is “over”

by Ric LaGrange, Lee-Sien Kao & Lalo Motiño

The words spoken by public government officials matter; and more often than not, such words have real-life implications for the decisions people make and the actions they do or don’t take. For example, much attention has been paid to President Biden’s recent declaration that the pandemic is “over”. On a recent episode of the broadcast […]

Better Messaging About Future Public Health Emergencies Using Behavioral Science

by Lalo Motiño, Lee-Sien Kao & Ric LaGrange

We are now over 900 days into the global pandemic that is COVID-19. Meanwhile, there has been hope for many with the introduction of vaccines and boosters; reintegration into society via hybrid working arrangements; and the resumption of sporting events, concerts, and international travel. A semblance of normal life has returned for most, yet we’re […]

How Does Uncertainty Influence Decisions About COVID Vaccination? Part 2

by Tom Tasche, Lee-Sien Kao, and Ric LaGrange

Behavioral science provides a crucial framework for understanding human responses to uncertainty. As we unpacked in a recent post, we’ve all been living with high levels of uncertainty and instability throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.  When it comes to uncertainty regarding COVID-19 vaccines, there are four “cognitive pitfalls” in particular that are likely to affect decision-making. […]

How Does Uncertainty Influence Decisions About COVID Vaccination? Part 1

by Tom Tasche, Lee-Sien Kao, and Ric LaGrange

Nearly two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, it can feel like there’s new developments and updated guidance every week. Consider the last few months of 2021 alone, which saw the first full FDA approval of a COVID-19 vaccine, authorization of a vaccine for the 5-11 age group, two different pills to treat COVID-19, and the […]