Global Governance

ideas42 Affiliate Series: A Talk with Paul Zak

ideas42’s network of academic affiliates represent some of the world’s foremost experts in behavioral science. With the ideas42 Affiliate Series, we invite them to share their insights and what inspires their exploration into human behavior. Our New York office recently had the pleasure of hosting Paul Zak– our newest Affiliate and founding Director of the Center […]

A Fresh Start

by David Munguía Gómez & Jaclyn Lefkowitz

It’s now 2 weeks into the new year, and chances are most of us have spent the first several days of 2016 diligently working to keep our New Year’s resolutions. Once again, we’ve dragged ourselves to the over-crowded gym after work, we’ve braved the long lines at grocery stores to fill our carts with healthy […]

ideas42 Affiliate Series: A Talk with Mike Norton

ideas42’s network of academic affiliates represent some of the world’s foremost experts in behavioral science. With the ideas42 Affiliate Series, we invite them to share their insights and what inspires their exploration into human behavior. We recently invited Mike Norton of Harvard Business School to visit our New York office. He gave our team a fascinating talk […]

Smartphones: A Nudger’s Best or Worst Friend? An ideas42 Affiliate Post

by Ben Castleman

This post, written by ideas42 affiliate Ben Castleman, originally appeared on The Brown Center Chalkboard blog at  It goes without saying that mobile technology and smartphones have transformed our lives. Tasks that, not so many years ago, mainly happened in person or on paper now take place in the palm of our hands. Day […]

ideas42 Academic Affiliate Series: A Talk With Guest Scholar Brendan Nyhan

ideas42’s network of academic affiliates represent some of the world’s foremost experts in behavioral science. With the ideas42 Affiliate Series, we invite leading scholars to share their insights and what inspires their exploration into human behavior. Our New York office was pleased to host Brendan Nyhan of Dartmouth College today. Brendan’s research focuses on the spread […]

Introducing the ideas42 Directory of Academic Experts in Behavioral Science

We probably don’t need to tell you, savvy reader, that behavioral science is fascinating. The insights on human behavior that have come from the last few decades of research are not only profound and compelling, but can also delight. Take loss aversion. First demonstrated by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, this principle says we dislike […]

ideas42 Affiliate Series: A Talk with Adam S. Levine

ideas42’s network of academic affiliates represent some of the world’s foremost experts in behavioral science. With the ideas42 Affiliate Series, we invite them to share their insights and what inspires their exploration into human behavior. Our third interview brought one of ideas42’s newest affiliates, Adam S. Levine of Cornell University, to our New York office. Adam’s research […]

ideas42 Affiliate Series: A Talk with Anandi Mani

ideas42’s network of academic affiliates represent some of the world’s foremost experts in behavioral science. With the ideas42 Affiliate Series, we invite them to share their insights and what inspires their exploration into human behavior. For the second interview of the ideas42 Affiliate Series, we recently invited Anandi Mani to visit our New York office to give […]

ideas42 Affiliate Series: A Talk with Angela Duckworth

ideas42’s network of academic affiliates represent some of the world’s foremost experts in behavioral science. In their efforts to address some of society’s toughest problems—from poverty alleviation to improving health care—these scholars have continually generated surprising and often counterintuitive scientific insights about why we make the choices we do. Their research illuminates our behavioral interventions […]