Financial Health

The Power of Us: 2024 in Review

by Bridgette Gray, CEO

This year has been a testament to the idea that we are greater than the sum of our parts. We’ve collaborated with partners around the world in a range of fields. Here are a few projects that showcase how much more we accomplish together.

Ten Questions with Antoinette Schoar: On Financial Heuristics, Scaling, and Storytelling

by The ideas42 Team

Financial Heuristics Training is one of ideas42’s most successful field-based interventions, one that has been replicated and scaled across geographies and populations. ideas42 co-founder Antoinette Schoar reflects on how the training program has evolved, and how this model has influenced ideas42’s approach to real-world problems.

Welcoming our new CEO, Bridgette Gray

by The ideas42 Team

ideas42’s Board of Directors enthusiastically announced the selection of Bridgette Gray as the nonprofit’s new CEO. Effective immediately, she will lead ideas42, one of the world’s top applied behavioral design firms.

International Women’s Day: Breaking the Bias With Behavioral Science

by ideas42

International Women’s Day is a day of reflection—an acknowledgment that women around the world have long faced barriers to equal economic and social opportunities, and health services (and by extension outcomes). While at times it might seem like many women are fighting an uphill battle with challenging policy environments and resource constraints, behavioral science can […]

Black History Month: Honoring Black Behavioral Scientists

by ideas42

In the U.S., Black History Month is a time to reflect on the contributions made by Black people in all walks of life, across all industries and in all parts of our society. It’s also a time to celebrate and amplify the voices of those in the Black community and reflect on those who inspire […]

A Look Back on 2021: 5 Behavioral Science Takeaways

by ideas42

Every day, working with a wide range of partners around the world, we use behavioral science to address complex social problems. And each year, we take a moment to reflect on this work, what we’ve learned, and how to build on this knowledge going forward.  As 2021 draws to a close, here are five takeaways […]

Context Matters: Designing Policies for Shared Prosperity with ideas42 Policy Lab

by Kelli Garcia

In a 1962 episode of the classic television show Candid Camera called “Face the Rear,” a group of actors enters an elevator one at a time. Rather than turning around to face the doors, they remain facing the back. The unsuspecting rider and subject of the “prank” who was originally on the elevator now faces a […]

Designing for Inclusion: Lessons from the Venture Studio’s Entrepreneur Recruitment

by Blessing Ogunyemi and Harrison Neuert

Application processes—whether for jobs, funding, or other opportunities—are full of potential moments for bias to occur. In launching our venture studio, Ventures for Shared Prosperity, we knew that recruiting the right people to join our cohort as entrepreneurs was going to be crucial, and we saw a responsibility to create and conduct our application process […]

Reimagining the Workplace with Behavioral Science

by Tina Tchen, TIME's UP Foundation, and Katy Davis, ideas42

  In the past year, nearly 3 million women have left the labor force due to the pandemic and resulting economic recession. At the same time, due to the pandemic, many organizations have adopted new policies regarding work from home and flexible hours, which can positively impact women’s earnings and labor force participation. Now that […]