Access More: Whether it’s applying for SNAP benefits or renewing your federal student aid, smart design of enrollment processes can be the difference between 20% and 80% participation. Gov42 can help identify and design for behavioral tendencies driving low uptake of services. Examples of this work include:
- Increasing FAFSA renewals
- Increasing use of tutoring services at community college
- Getting more people to save for retirement
Build Efficiency & Trust: If a process to retain benefits is complicated or unclear about required actions, it’s no surprise people drop off. Behavioral science insights can streamline processes and increase transparency to make compliance with programs easier and less costly. Examples of this work include:
- Changing consumption in response to utilities bills
- Boosting compliance with summons notices
- Building participation in civic spaces and institutions with city governments
Curate Choices: With more access to information than ever, choices can be challenging to navigate. From when to claim Social Security to identifying the right Medicare prescription plan, framing choices in terms people care about can help them digest a complicated menu of options. Examples of this work include:
- Making prescription drug plan choices easier
- Clarifying choices on when to claim or respond to benefits
- Facilitating government workers’ choices of benefits
Gov42 seeks to help government partners make their programs more impactful, efficient, and accountable. We work closely with partners to design cost-effective changes to programs, policies, and public spaces to improve outcomes.
If you’re a U.S. city or state agency interested in working with us, contact us at
Support for Gov42 initiatives is provided in part by the Laura and John Arnold Foundation. Laura and John Arnold Foundation’s core objective is to address our nation’s most pressing and persistent challenges using evidence-based, multi-disciplinary approaches.